Dewey International University (DIU) licensed by the Royal Government of Cambodia through Sub-decree No.16 អនក្រ.បក dated on January 20, 2011 signed by Samdech Akkamohasenapadei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of Cambodia.We are the first university in Cambodia to be created and supported by founders from three countries: Cambodia, United States of America and Germany. DIU is supported both materially and technically by many other countries around the world. DIU’s flagship Associate Degree, Bachelor’s degree, and Master’s Degree programs highlight Business Management (Accounting, Banking and Finance, and Tourism and Hospitality) International Program (English Language and Literature, and TESOL), and Information Technology. DIU is moving into the field of E-learning, with flagship programs with online and ‘blended’ platforms.
On Friday 8 March 2024
Dewey International University
celebrated the official launch of the 2+2 program with Kent State University. Now, students can study 2 years at Dewey International University in Battambang, Cambodia and 2 years at Kent State University in Ohio, USA.
នៅថ្ងៃសុក្រ ទី៨ ខែមីនា ឆ្នាំ២០២៤
សាកលវិទ្យាល័យអន្តរជាតិឌូវី បានប្រារព្ធពិធីសម្ពោធជាផ្លូវការនៃកម្មវិធីសមមូល ២+២ ជាមួយសាកលវិទ្យាល័យ Kent State ។ ឥឡូវនេះ និស្សិតអាចសិក្សារយៈពេល ២ ឆ្នាំនៅសាកលវិទ្យាល័យអន្តរជាតិឌូវី ក្នុងខេត្តបាត់ដំបង ប្រទេសកម្ពុជា និង ២ ឆ្នាំនៅសាកលវិទ្យាល័យ Kent State ក្នុងរដ្ឋ Ohio សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក។
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